Join the club

Juniors (U8 - U18)
School Years 3 - 13

We have started our 2024/25 netball season, and are at capacity in our U8-10 age groups. We offer a very small number of occasional places through the season where we see attendance gaps, and if your daughter is in these year groups, we operate a waitlist.

Renewals will start in May 2025, for the 25/26 season.

If your daughter is in U11+ age groups, do email us, we have a large training group in each of these ages, however we generally offer places at the beginning of each half term to those who are keen to join.

If you would like your daughter to be added to the waiting list, please send an email to with her name, date of birth, school she attends and parent mobile.

Seniors (Over 18's)

If you are looking to play high quality netball with a fun, super friendly, relaxed club in Earlsfield and be part of the Spencer Sports Club, one of the biggest names in amateur sport in London with its very own clubhouse, we hold trials in the Summer.

Trials for the Seniors will be held in Summer 2025 (dates will be published in due course).

If you have any questions about joining our adult section, please email